Some of my tours in italiano, english, español, nederlands.
If you need more information or tours in other languages, just contact me:

book your private tour now! 

Rome in Golfcar 

Visit all of Rome in a half-day tour riding comfortably on a eco-friendly electric golf cart. We start with the famous Aventine and Esquiline hills, looking over the Colosseum, and continue through the Vatican district to climb the Gianicolo hill with its terrific view over the Eternal City. Then, we drive along the Circus Maximus heading towards the cozy Testaccio area for a nice coffee before cruising the Renaissance quarters with Piazza Navona and the Pantheon. more info

Galleria borghese tour

The most impressive and rich art collection of Rome, built by Cardinal Scipione Borghese and enlarged during centuries by his family. In this museum, placed in the heart of the Borghese park, just 10 minutes walking from the Spanish steps,  it is possible to admire paintings and sculptures made by some of the most important artists of art history like Rafael, Titian, Caravaggio and Bernini, surrounded by outstanding decorations like spectacular frescoes and stuccoes and powerful mosaics and sculptures of the Roman times. more info

Visit the Vatican city with Chris the Guide avoiding the long lines!
In a three hour walk we will explore the Vatican Museums, one of the biggest and most beautiful museums of the world. More than 2000 rooms, thousands of masterpieces of art and devotion created by the great master of the past, from the glorious ancient roman artists to the great "giants" of Renaissance and Baroque. more info

The Appian Way used to be known as the “Regina Viarum,” the queen of all roads. There is probably no other place in Rome that gives you such a strong sense of stepping back into Rome glorious past the past.
The "via Appia" is protected within a regional park, on the other hand, the only intrusions tend to be bird songs and other tourists, of which there are surprisingly few. more info

Visit the most incredible art collection of Rome: painting, sculpture and architecture of the Roman churches!
All the most important artists of European history worked in Rome for the Popes and left here their masterpieces, which we are going to find toghether…
Some names? Bramante, Michelangelo, Raphael, Caravaggio, Carracci, Domenichino, Rubens, Bernini, Andrea Pozzo, Gaulli and many others!
The hidden jewels of the Roman churches in their own original sites explained by an art historian! more info

“Rinascimento” means renaissance, a new birth for men and his thoughts, a new discovery of the ancient roman and greek culture, considered at the times of an unreachable level of perfection. In Rome, starting with the XIV century, the great antique art is strongly studied and reused as valid model for a new season of arts.
And what place better than Rome for this? The ruins of the old times were there, witnesses of an unforgettable civilization covered by sand and centuries!
This tour brings you through the most important locations of this cultural revolution and explains you the artistic masterpieces produced during the Renaissance years. A wonderful experience to understand and appreciate this cultural transformation that changed humanity and made it modern. more info

It was a rivalry between two men that transformed Rome into the most beautiful and modern city of 17th century Europe. These two really hated each other. Their names: Gianlorenzo Bernini and Francesco Borromini. This… is the story of their enmity!
Discover the two main masters of roman Baroque: Bernini's passion, art as a full theatrical lighting. Borromini's genius, the modernity of "chess master" architect. more info

We well get in touch with one of the purest example of Reinassance art: the Villa Farnesina, built for the bankier the Popes Agostino Chigi and decorated by the most exquisite artist of the time: Raphael.
On the other side of the street another unexpected jewel: the Corsini Palace an elegant XVIII century palace built for the family of Pope Clement the XII. The first floor of the palace hosts the collection of art gathered by Cardinal Neri Corsini and other members of the family. Grandiose masterpieces and sophisticated small painting and sculptures are adorning the galleries and the rooms, making of this collection a unique example of a noble family mansion. more info


See where the Borgias lived their corrupt life under patriarch Rodrigo Borgia, also known as Pope Alexander VI. See where he committed every possible sin to amass and retain power, influence and enormous wealth for himself and his family. A terrific walk through the Sistine Chapel, the Vatican Museums and all the places of the city where the Borgias lived and left their imprint. more info

“Do as the Romans do”, visit Rome with a scooter driving up and down the seven hills of the city. A panoramic tour that offers all: the most famous monuments and the “hidden jewels” of the Eternal City but most of all the feeling to be living your roman holiday moving around exactly like the modern Romans do! more info

During centuries, the election of the roman Popes has been always in the hands of the noble roman families, especially the princes of the feuds around the Eternal City. Our tours will bring you in the places of their power: castles, abbeys, villages, renaissance and baroque villas. A unique experience to get in touch with those powerful families and their shrines. The Farnese, Colonna, Chigi, Orsini, d’Este…
Monumental palaces surrounded by it’s beautiful gardens, precious art pieces and rich decorations. Art and beauty as symbols of richness and power to be shown to subjects and guests. Because in Italy, and especially in Rome, art and richness were, and still are, a political instrument to show force and power. Art was and still is the most evident status symbol. more info

Durante siglos, la elección de los Papas Romanos estuvo en manos de las familias nobles italianas, y especialmente de los príncipes señores de los feudos que circundaban la ciudad eterna.
Este viaje nos llevará a los lugares que se encontraban bajo su poder: desde los castillos y las abadías medievales hasta los pueblos y las villas renacentistas y barrocas. Una experiencia única que permitirá al visitante conocer estas poderosas familias y sus tierras. Los Farnesio, Colonna, Chigi, Orsini, d’Este... monumentales palacios rodeados de hermosos jardines, con valiosas obras de arte y ricas decoraciones. Arte y belleza como demostración de riqueza y poder ante súbditos e invitados. Porque en Italia, y especialmente en Roma, el arte y la riqueza eran, y son aún, un instrumento político de exhibición de fuerza y poder. más info

A walk through the “Jesuit district” of Rome: the Collegium, the University, the famous S. Ignatius chambers and the churches of S. Ignatius and the Gesù to admire their spectacular Baroque beauties and attend a surprising sacred art exhibition.
An excursion to understand the fascinating history of this order, their incredible power and the importance of spirituality and arts as tools for their evangelical mission! more info

A walk around Rome to discover Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio, the most revolutionary painter of the XVIIth Century! 
Enigmatic, rebellious, fascinating and dangerous. A genius that subverted the standards of the art of painting. What begins with Caravaggio is, quite simply, modern painting. more info

Visit the heart of antique Rome with an expert guide:
-The Colosseum, or the Coliseum, was originally known as the Flavian Amphitheatre. It is an elliptical stadium in Rome’s city center, the largest ever built during the Roman Empire. It is considered one of the greatest architecture and engineering masterpieces ever erected by humans.
-The Roman Fora was the main square of Ancient Rome, the "umbelicus mundi" or “bellybutton” of the old world.
Great buildings: temples, squares, basilicas, monuments to triumph and devotion.
Immortal political and historical figures: Romulus, Cesar, Mark Antony, Augustus, Constantine, the Popes.
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Low cost tour: 2 hours discovering Rome's Middle Ages on the Esquiline Hill. 

Memories of Medieval Rome are waiting to be discovered in the churches on the Esquiline Hill. Breathtaking marbles and mosaics in an explosion of colors revealing the roots of Christian art.

In the heart of the city, between the Aurelian Walls and the modern areas of Parioli and Flaminio, close to the most important monuments of Rome but far away from the noises of traffic and of the modern and expanding urban metropolis, the Villa Borghese park occupies 80 hectares of green area. more info

Our famous City Center Walking Tour (Navona Square, Pantheon, S. Ignatius, Colonna Square, Trevi Fountain, Spanish Steps): following a path through Rome’s cobbled streets, we will discover its hidden gems, feel its unique atmosphere, relax tasting the best gelato in town and “wake up” with the tastiest espresso coffee.  The finest way to visit the heart of Romemore info

A walk through Rome's city center to discover the path of the Illuminati, the pagan and christian symbols hidden in Bernini's sculptures. What is historically true and what is just a creation of the novelist Dan Brown? We will find out following Robert Langdon's steps in a 2-3 hour exciting adventure! more info

A walk through Rome’s financial and cultural center during Reinassance. Banks, the stock market, the churches, the palaces.
Because beauty in Rome is always on the corner…
Get in touch with unknown masterpieces by the most glorious artists of Rome’s history:
Raphael, Bramante, Domenichino, Rubens, Pietro da Cortona, Borromini and many others. more info

All the Vatican, from top to top.
A full-day visit of the Vatican to understand and appreciate everything of the smallest state of the world! more info

During the summer friday nights in Rome are not only a great momento to have a nice dinner, taste a great gelato, or having a drink in the cosy bars of the city center.
Friday nights, for who loves art, there is the incredible chance to visit the Vatican Museums!
Book your private tour with Chris the Guide from 7 PM till 11 PM.
We will visit the Pine Courtyard, the Pio - Clementino Museum (with the ancient greek and Roman Marbles), the Maps Gallery, the Reinassance Popes Apartments (frescoed by Raphael and Pinturicchio) and the Sistine Chapel (Michelangelo and many others). more info

"Walking around it today, it is still possible to experience something of the variety of architectural forms and settings, and the skillful way in which Hadrian and his architect have contrived the meetings of the axes, the surprises that await the turning of a corner, and the vistas that open to view."
(Sir Banisher Fletcher in his “History of Architecture”) more info

Rione Trastevere, Rione Monti, Rioni Ponte & Parione, Rione Celio, The Ghetto...Get in touch with ther "real" Rome... 
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Alla domanda “papà a cosa serve la storia?” Marc Bloch, illustre storico francese fondatore degli Annales, rispondeva: “innanzitutto la storia è divertente!”
I tour che propongo per gli studenti di elementari e medie seguono questa prerogativa, l’arte e la storia, se raccontate nella maniera adeguata sono divertenti e a ciò che è divertente ci si appassiona facilmente! E’ importante che i ragazzi si appassionino alla storia, all’arte e alle sue storie perché esse seducono l’immaginazione e arricchiscono con entusiasmo e senza fatica. more info

Rinascimento significa rinascita, trionfale rinascita dell’uomo che riscopre e riprende la grande cultura classica greca e romana. A partire al XIV secolo a Roma la grande arte antica è studiata e riusata come modello perfetto per una nuova stagione dell’arte. Questo tour ripercorre i luoghi più importanti di questa grande rivoluzione culturale, mostrando e spiegando i capolavori artistici che ne sono il prodotto. maggiori info

Chris the Guide offers you a sight jogging tour in one of the most charming cities in the world. 
Come training with me and have the experience of running through art and history with a real guide! 
The Colosseum, the parks, the renaissance area, the Tiber and much, much more...  
For the best sport & culture experience of your holydays! more info

Nápoles es el ombligo del Mediterráneo. Si se trazara una línea desde Marsella a Atenas y desde Estambul a Barcelona, ambas se ​​cruzarían en Nápoles. Al fundarla, los griegos la llamaron, sin demasiada imaginación, "Neapolis", la ciudad nueva. Desde entonces, los napolitanos se dedicaron a convertirla en inconfundible respecto a las otras: una ciudad legendaria. más info

The Ara Pacis Augustae (Latin, "Altar of Augustan Peace"; commonly shortened to Ara Pacis) is an altar to Peace, envisioned as a Roman goddess. It was commissioned by the Roman Senate on 4 July 13 BC to honor the triumphal return from Hispania and Gaul of the Roman emperor Augustus,and was consecrated on 30 January 9 BC by the Senate to celebrate the peace established in the Empire after Augustus's victories. The altar was meant to be a vision of the Roman civil religion. It sought to portray the peace and fertile prosperity enjoyed as a result of the Pax Augusta (Latin, "Augustan peace") brought about by the military supremacy of the Roman empire, and act as a visual reminder of the Julio-Claudian dynasty that was bringing it about. more info

A two-hour walk through the picturesque Trastevere district tasting delicious bites, visiting breathtaking squares and churches and discovering an underground surprise. 

Palazzo Barberini is an an extraordinary Baroque palace built for Pope Urban VIII. It hosts the national collection of Renaissance and Baroque art. 
Discovering this unique art collection we will focus on the development of European taste in matter of nudity, sexuality and love to find out that both profane and sacred art pieces are valuable historic sources to comprehend the morality of the European society through the centuries.
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 This experience is a walk through the “Jesuit district” of Rome to get in touch with the fascinating history of the Order, but it is also an art of illusion experience as we will admire masterpieces of the Baroque Age created to capture our eyes and make us see a new reality. Get ready because vaults will move, paintings will seem to brake into the buildings, curves will seem to be corners and flat surfaces will appear rounded and high. This will be the illusion of the anamorphic painting technique created by the great master Andrea Pozzo more than 3 centuries ago. And what makes all of this even more fascinating is that this art is created for a religious purpose, as part of a brand-new method of evangelization, the Jesuit method. (more info...)

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